Monday, December 15, 2008

I apologize for the late reply...

The month of December was an interesting one in the UWSA Presidential office.  In November I was away quite a bit lobbying in queens park and then attending a CFS national meeting in Ottawa.  As such I got behind in emails, and then behind in projects until I was drowning in a sea of work I didn't know how to get out of.

Fed up with my inability to get back on top of my game I came in to work at 3am Monday December 15 and worked another one of those 24h work days until I was done answering all of my emails.  Most of the emails began with the quote "I apologize for the late reply" because the person had contacted me weeks prior and while I had made a mental note to reply it took a long time to get around to it.  

There is a constant demand to be on top of your game as the president.  I easily get 30 important emails a day (20 more spam), that all require concerted effort to reply and do the work requested in the email.  Meetings run all day rarely with breaks in between and before I know it, the day is over and it feels like nothing was accomplished.  

My breaking point came when I received my first UCAPT package (a committee which decides the promotion and tenure for faculty members).  It was the size of a large text book and I had to read and assess it in only a few days time.  I did not take this responsibility lightly, it was imperative that I represented students and did the best job possible on this committee.  Which by the way is only one of over 25 committees I sit on to "represent students".  

If I could summarize December, I would say it was the month that I picked up my life.  After I spent a week getting back on top of all of my work I was able to truly rest.  I spent time at home, cleaned my room, saw my family, did laundry, organized my personal life, got my personal finances together (My OSAP loans became payable in November :S)  and visited with my friends who I hadn't seen in what seemed like years.

I'm rejuvenated and ready for the New Year, hopefully I can STAY on top of my game now that I've got my act together.  

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