Being ahead helps me feel like I am on top of my game, it is simply the way I operate. I can't stand the thought of emails piling up unanswered or various unfinished projects sitting in my office. Yet this is precisely the situation I have found myself in.
Today I decided to end this situation. I refused to leave my office until I was caught up and organized.
The morning began with back to back interviews for Afrofest workstudy candidates. I admired the variety of skillsets the candidates brought and imagined how phenomenal the Afrofest team could turn out to be. (I wish I had more time to volunteer).
Every moment I had to myself I spent answering emails and phone messages assisting with the organization of the Ontario Undergraduate Students' Alliance conference taking place next weekend.
Hannah Larking (The Lance News Editor) interviewed me for a couple of articles she was writing for next weeks paper.
After, I marched along the river with students supporting the Engineers without Borders "Make Poverty History" campaign.
Following this event Mohsin and I made our way to a meeting with Alan Wright the Vice President of Teaching and Learning to brief him as the guest speaker for the OUSA general assembly. It was like Christmas in October when Dr. Wright ended up being an amazing choice for guest speaker having written papers on the very issues OUSA is currently researching. Mohsin and I walked out of the meeting ecstatic about having an excellent guest speaker AND equipped with new mugs from the Teaching and Learning office.
I returned to my office and phoned Dr. Wildeman to see if he had chosen a song for me to sing at his installation service, we brainstormed a few ideas and decided to have a final decision made by Saturday so I would have enough time to learn the song.
At about 6:30pm it occurred to me that with all of the running around I did all day I forgot to eat. Theresa Trad (the walksafe coordinator) and I made our way to the pub for dinner before heading to a play at Assumption University "Dead Man Walking". The play was fantastic, it will also be playing on Saturday and Sunday so I recommend that you check it out.
After the play I returned to my office, and still felt swamped. No matter how hard I worked, or how much I tried I was still behind and I decided not to accept this. I stayed in my office until every document was filed and project was complete... this brought me to 7:30am.
It felt amazing to watch those dreadful piles of paper disappear into easy to access organized labelled folders.
I have the whole weekend to sleep now, and when I return on Monday I start with a fresh slate.
Enjoy the Weekend! See you at the Finger Eleven concert!
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